[TBC] Start of 2022/23 Season
To be confirmed by Huddersfield Junior Football League.
To be confirmed by Huddersfield Junior Football League.
From week commencing 3rd October, Training moves up to Rastrick High School from. Your Age Group Manager will tell you when your sessions are. There will also be some availability on occasional Saturdays for extra sessions, and Sundays for matches. You can find additional information on the venue here: https://www.rastrickjfc.co.uk/find-us/
Hello everyone! It’s that time of year for our annual Penalty Shoot Out! This year it will be taking place on Saturday 8th of October from 10am. There will be hot food (bacon & hotdogs) and drinks available on the day, and some sweets! The concept is all the kids throughout the club take 1000 […]
Club meeting at Rastrick Cricket Club. We'd encourage anyone who is interested in getting activly involved with the club to attend. We have several open roles and we are looking for more support. Agenda PDF: RJFC Club Meeting Agenda 10.10.22
Rastrick Raiders vs Lindley Lionesses In almost 50 years of the Huddersfield Junior Football League, this weekend marks the first ever all girls fixture since the league was established in 1973. It will be a historic moment for The Huddersfield Junior Football League, for the two clubs involved, and most importantly the girls who have […]
Date for the diary to be confirmed...
SAVE THE DATE The next RJFC Club Meeting will take place on Monday 6th Feb at 7:30pm at Rastrick Cricket Club. Everyone welcome! Please ensure there is at least one representative for each team attending as a minimum. Agenda to be circulated in due course. Thanks
Our penalty shoot-out competition is on Saturday 22nd April . It is not only a great fundraiser, but also great fun for all children taking part with the winner from each age group receiving a trophy. 10am start. Bacon and Hot Dogs, Hot Drinks, etc... Coaches shootout taking place after the kids are done! Download […]
On Saturday 17th June we open our doors to a thousand girls & boys and their families for a fantastic day of tournament football. We have seperate competitions for age groups and abilities, so every team has a fair chance to win some silverware. On the day there will be a BBQ, hot & cold […]
In order for the club to submit team registrations to the Huddersfield Junior Football League for the upcoming season, please register your players on the Google form here: https://tinyurl.com/RJFCReg23-24 This will allow our Managers and Coaches to work out how many teams they need. Our managers and Coaches will work out which players will be […]
Presentation Evening is BACK! In order for as many families as possible to attend, please only purchase a maximum of two adult tickets + one player + one sibling per family. Families with more than one player should purchase one ticket for each player. As per the last event we held at the JSS, the […]
Presentation Evening is BACK! In order for as many families as possible to attend, please only purchase a maximum of two adult tickets + one player + one sibling per family. Families with more than one player should purchase one ticket for each player. As per the last event we held at the JSS, the […]